Drop-off/Pick-up Procedures

  • The main entrance will be unlocked at 7:40. All other doors will be locked and students will not be allowed to enter these doors. 
  • Students should not be dropped off before 7:40 unless they are going to Kid’s Clubhouse. 
  • The drop off loop in front of the school may be used to drop off a student starting at 7:40. 
  • The drop off loop should NEVER be used for parking.
  • Parents/Guardians may walk their child into the school starting at 7:40 rather than use the drop off loop. However, please use the parking in front of the drop off loop, across the street in the dirt lot, or in the visitor spots in the main parking lot. 
  • Please do not park in numbered parking spots as these are assigned to staff members.

Between 7:40 and 8:00: 

  • Students can go directly to their classroom and wait in a single file line (sitting or standing) outside their classroom. They should not enter their classroom until the teacher greets them and is ready to begin the  day.
  • Students who would like breakfast, should walk to the Multipurpose Room. Families are welcome to wait with students in the Multipurpose Room. 
  • Please be aware: If you need to have your child come to school before 7:40, you need to sign your child up for Kid’s Clubhouse.
  • If you plan to pick your child up each day or on a regular basis,  parents/guardians should fill out a fast pass application and the office will  administer you a fast pass to place in the dashboard of your car. 
  • Pickups will begin at 3:00. The loop will be closed until 3:00!  
  • If you arrive before 3:00, please park in a space in front of the loop or across the street in the dirt lot. 
  • At 3:00, you can either stay parked in your spot in front of the loop or across the street in the dirt lot OR pull into the loop.  
  • A WES support staff member will approach your vehicle, look for your fast pass on your dash, and use a walkie to alert your child’s classroom  teacher. The teacher will send your child to you at that time.  
  • If you are parked in a parking spot, a WES staff member will help your child cross the street at the cross walk and arrive at your vehicle, safely.  
  • If you need to pick your child up before 3:00, you will need to park in a  visitor parking spot in the main lot and come into the office and ask for your child to come down to the office. You will need to sign your child out on the podium in the main office. 
  • Students must be picked up by an authorized person of release.
  • Parents/Guardians should send in a note with your child to give to their  child’s teacher or contact the office if a student is getting picked up on a  certain day and that is different from what they usually do.  


Parents are required to send in a note to the school (at the start of the school year) to keep on file giving a student permission to walk home daily.


  • Students who are riding the bus will be walked to the buses by the classroom teacher at 3:00.
  • Parents/Guardians should send in a note to the child’s teacher if there is a change in how your child is getting home on a given day.